Name as it appears on your account
Account number where funds should be deposited
SECU’s routing number: 253177049
SECU’s receiving address: State Employees’ Credit Union (State ECU Raleigh), Raleigh NC, 27605
(Optional) SECU’s non-monetary SWIFT code: SMCUUS31
Contact Member Services Support at (888) 732-8562 if you have questions about wiring instructions.
Send an initial transfer by contacting your local branch or Member Services Support.
Request to establish a recurring wire number.
Use this number in the future to initiate transfers through Member Access.
Frequently asked questions about wire transfers
If an outgoing wire is returned to SECU, the funds will be deposited back into the account from which the funds were originally debited.
Yes, there is a $10 fee for each domestic wire transfer and a $25 fee for each international wire transfer. The fee will be debited from your account.
No, there is no fee to receive a wire.
The Credit Union transmits outgoing wire transfers on the same business day if keyed or verified before:
5:30 p.m. for domestic wire transfer requests.
3:30 p.m. for international wire transfer requests (including foreign currency wire transfers).